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Veteran Education Training

V.E.T (Veteran Education Training) connecting veterans with free training, accessing  their VA benefits, and classes on starting their own businesses.

Little Herorines Crest

Little Heroines

Youth mentoring program where we uplift, encourage mentor, and teach our young ladies how to build a legacy and be their own hero. This program is open for all youth both military and civilian from age 3-18. 




WE logo

Women Elevated


We are a nonprofit organization, and our primary mission is to assist women veterans in acute crisis BEFORE they become homeless and/or jobless.  We assist with  - temporary housing  - counseling  - job placement  - resume writing  - interview practice  - credit repair  - financial counseling  - couponing and smart shopping   We also are a viable link between them and other resources in the community such as  - Operation Home Front  - American Legion. 


Click on the WE emblem for the website.

Saving Heroes Everyday

S.H.E (Saving Heros Everyday) counseling on resiliency, drug rehabilitation, and connecting vets with outside resources for any other help they need.

1 Race

1 Race


To alleviate homelessness and hunger globally. We currently serve and are seeking volunteers in Dallas, Texas and Denver, Colorado area. 

Dependent Education Program

D.E.P (Dependent  Education Program) under 18 years of age we assist with childcare needs, child counseling, reading classes and assisting veteran dependents over 18 with education, scholorships and other benefits. 

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Find us: 

3404 Bradfield Street

 Clarksville, TN 37042

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